Licence conversions and aircraft checkouts
We provide training to convert any ICAO licence to a FAA equivalent. Our partners can in turn provide all the training required to convert a current FAA Pilot Certificate and / or type ratings to an equivalent EASA licence.

EASA and ICAO to FAA Conversions
We provide all the necessary ground and flight training to convert your existing licence / experience into a standalone FAA Pilot Certificate at a level commensurate with your current licence level and experience.
Training requirements vary a great deal therefore please contact us outlining your situation so we can match your experience with FAA regulations and give you sound advice on how best to proceed.
FAA to EASA Conversions
This training is undertaken by our partner companies. Basic FAA Private Pilot Certificate to EASA PPL conversions are undertaken at Lydd Aero Club and commercial, instrument rating and turboprop conversions are conducted though Oysterair. Please see the partners page for links to those companies.
Aircraft Conversions / Checkouts
Between us and our partners we have flown just about every popular light single and twin aircraft, but if by any chance we haven't we'll know where to find you someone who has. So if you have a new aircaft and need conversion training then contact us to discuss your requirements. We can also combine any licence or aircraft conversion training / checkout with a Complex and / or High Performance endorsement as required.
Whatever training you require we provide careful instruction in a friendly and professional manner. We can usually accommodate a location and timescale to suit you. Whatever you need we'll do our best to get it done for you.
Have questions or need more information?
If you have any questions please see the FAQs page. If your question is not answered there then please contact us.